Monday, November 4, 2013

Honda Bay

Honda Bay, Palawan

Apart from its turquoise waters set against white sand, Honda Bay offers you a quiet escape. And Honda Bay is a group of islands surrounding mainland Palawa .

One of the Philippine's premiere tourist destinations, Honda Bay, Palawan island is also known as the "The Last Frontier". It is host to several of the most exclusive resorts in the country. With its white sand beaches, magnificent landscape, fishing villages and rainforests, it is a favorable destination of adventurers and nature lovers. The province has several sites that attract divers from various parts of the world. In the city center of Puerto Princesa, hall of fame awardee for the cleanest and greenest city in the country, several tourist spots can be seen in a one day tour. This would include Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, the world's largest prison "without bars", and the Kamarikutan Gallery. The city's best offering is the St. Paul Subterranean National Park that is famed for its 8.2 kilometer log river, said to be the longest of its kind in the world.

Honda Bay is comprised of several islets with shallow reefs bordering wonderful beaches which have become the much loved swimming, snorkeling, and diving destinations of local residents and tourists. The best recognized islands of Honda Bay are Cowrie and Bat named because of the large fruit bats coming out of their holes at sundown for their evening feed. Another is Snake island, of curvaceous tongue shape like a snake and with a white sand beach noted for large and lovely shells. Other interesting islands are Canon, Pandan, Starfish, Lu-Ii Island (derived from the word ""lulubog-lilitaw"", meaning floating and sinking island, is visible only during low tide), Señorita Island (the breeding site of lapu-lapu fish). and Meara Marina. Starfish Island, with coral reefs breaking crystal clear water onto empty, fine white sand beaches and clear water that teems with starfish. Arreceffi Island contains the luxury Dos Palmas Beach Resort, while lesser accommodation can be found on other islands, or stay at Puerto Princesa Beach resort and take a half hour boat trip to your much loved deserted beach. Lodging facilities are available for overnight stays in the islands of Meara Marina and Starfish (Sandbar Resort).

Puerto Galera

Puerto Galera , Mindoro

If you don’t want the hassle of travelling a fairly long distance from Manila just to get a breath of fresh air, go to Puerto Galera. It’s a popular beach destination because of its proximity to the metro. But there’s definitely more to that. You’ll love its pristine beaches and lush greeneries.

Puerto Galera is a soothing vision of shimmering seas surrounded by lush mountains. It is considered one of the most beautiful and developed beach resort community in the country.

There are a thousand things one can do here. Landlubbers can pitch tents, light bonfires, play volleyball, toss a Frisbee, go beach-hopping, watch the sunset, gaze at the stars, hike, go rock climbing, carom off on a motorcycle, discover Oriental Mindoro’s other tourist spots or simply live it up.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Siargao, Surigao del Norte

This is the hottest surfing destination in the Philippines with its consistent swells, nice waves, and ethereal views 

Surigao del Norte (Filipino:Hilagang Surihaw) is a province of the Philippines located in the Caraga region in Mindanao. Its capital is Surigao City. The province consists of three major islands—Siargao Island, Dinagat Islands, and Bucas Grande Island—in the Philippine Sea, and a small region at the northernmost tip of the island of Mindanao. This mainland portion borders Agusan del Norte, and Surigao del Sur to the south.

Surigao del Norte is the second northernmost of the Mindanao provinces and is an important transportation hub between Visayas and Mindanao. Numerous ferries cross the Surigao Strait between Surigao and the island of Leyte carrying vehicles and passengers between Liloan in Southern Leyte and Surigao City.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mactan Cebu

Mactan, Cebu

Located in the Queen City of the South, Mactan sure has lots to offer. Apart from being a hub of history and culture, this island in Cebu also boasts its serene beaches. But don’t get fooled by the peaceful and quiet day time because the nightlife here is bustling!

Mactan is a densely populated island located a few kilometres from Cebu Island in the Philippines. The island was a Muslim settlement before it was colonized by Spain in the 16th century.